Forensic and Pharmaceutical, Organizational and Legal Studies of Illegal Circulation, Danger and Drug Addiction from Cannabinoids
forensic pharmacy, narcotic drugs, psychoactive substances, cannabis, marijuana, cannabinoid drug addiction, drugs, drug patientsAbstract
A forensic and pharmaceutical, organizational and legal study of illegal circulation, danger and drug addiction from cannabinoids was conducted. Psychoactive substances of cannabinoids were classified as narcotic drugs. Global experience in the circulation of cannabis and psychoactive substances was summarized. Also analyzed scientific works of domestic and foreign authors on the subject of the study. The use of cannabinoids by different categories of the population was analyzed. Forensic and pharmaceutical practice on the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs of plant origin was studied. An assessment of the problems of pharmacotherapy of drug patients with cannabinoid addiction was given. An algorithm for determining the status of cannabinoid addiction has been developed.
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