COVID-19 Pandemic Encourages to Deepen the Study of the Thyroid Gland: Correlation Portraits as a Means of Research in Different Directions of Follicular Thyrocytes Activities
COVID-19, thyroid gland, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, mathematical methods of thyroid researchAbstract
In COVID-19, the thyroid gland can play a significant role both in the clinical course of the disease and in the processes of postcovid recovery. Based on the importance of the thyroid gland for the vital functions of the body, information on the etiology of the most common types of thyroid pathology is considered. It is established that the disclosure of the deep essence of the processes occurring in the thyroid gland in normal and pathology is possible on the basis of innovative use of correlation analysis with the designing of correlation portraits to study the main activities of follicular thyrocytes.
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