Evidence-Based Pharmacy: Taxanes Based Antitumor Diterpenes of Taxus Baccata L. Herbal Medicinal Products for Oncology
evidence-based pharmacy, cancer, pharmacotherapy, anticancer drugs, herbal raw materials, taxanesAbstract
Creating of new effective, safe, high-quality and cost-effective drugs for cancer patients is important for scientists. In recent years, herbal medicines have been widely used in the pharmacotherapy of cancer. The world is conducting research among substances of natural origin in terms of determining non-traditional effects on tumor growth. The aim of the study was to study medicinal phytopreparations for oncology based on taxanes, antitumor diterpenes of Taxus Baccata L. from the position of evidence-based pharmacy. Taxanes have been shown to be promising in cancer pharmacotherapy. Pharmacological studies of taxanes isolated from the "foot" of Taxus Baccata L. were described. The results of the study of potential anticancer agents based on the diterpenoid taxane skeleton have been established. It has been proven to increase the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy of operable breast cancer with the inclusion of taxanes in adjuvant and non-adjuvant chemotherapy.
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