Thoracic Trauma: Diagnosis And Treatment




quality of life, life expectancy, fatalities, trauma, chest, thoracoscopic surgery, thoracic injuries


The study of chest injuries which profoundly impact quality of life, life expectancy, disability rates, and mortality is of significant importance. In clinical research, the authors analyzed diagnostic results from 527 patients aged 18 to 85 with closed chest trauma, consisting of 82% men and 18% women. The study confirms that traumatic chest injuries are severe conditions that necessitate strict adherence to well-defined diagnostic and treatment guidelines. It is advisable to utilize thoracoscopy and video-assisted thoracoscopy for managing hemothoraxes with small volumes of bleeding, as these minimally invasive techniques can enhance patient outcomes and reduce recovery times. The incorporation of advanced three-dimensional (3D) printing technologies into medical practice for chest injuries is also recommended, as it can improve surgical planning and enable personalized treatment strategies. Moreover, 3D printing can aid in the fabrication of patient-specific implants and prosthetics, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of reconstructive surgeries. Further research is needed on pharmacotherapy when using medications in accordance with the codes of the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases, to optimize therapeutic efficacy. Additionally, an in-depth study of the integrated ABC/VEN-analysis of drug prescriptions in pharmacotherapeutic regimens for thoracic trauma treatment dynamics in both inpatient and outpatient healthcare facilities is recommended. This could lead to better resource allocation, improved patient care, and the development of more effective treatment protocols. Emphasizing interdisciplinary collaboration among surgeons, radiologists, and pharmacologists is crucial to advance the management of chest trauma, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive and holistic care throughout their recovery process.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Nevzghoda, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine


Anatolyi Nevzghoda, Lviv Medical University

PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Lviv Medical University, Ukraine

Liubomyr Rak, Lviv Regional Phthisiopulmonology Clinical Treatment and Diagnostic Center

Lviv Regional Phthisiopulmonology Clinical Treatment and Diagnostic Center, General Director, Ukraine

Volodymyr Zhykovskiy , Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine


Yurii Ivaskevych, Communal non-commercial enterprise of the Lviv Regional Council "Regional Base of Special Medical Supply"

Communal non-commercial enterprise of the Lviv Regional Council "Regional Base of Special Medical Supply", Director, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Nevzghoda, O., Nevzghoda, A., Rak, L., Zhykovskiy , V., & Ivaskevych, Y. (2024). Thoracic Trauma: Diagnosis And Treatment. SSP Modern Pharmacy and Medicine, 4(3), 1–14.



Health Sciences. Medicine