Ultrasound Method for Pleural Punctures in The Diagnosis and Treatment of Exudative Pleuritis
ultrasound method, pleural punctures, diagnosis, treatment, patient, exudative pleuritis, liquid, pleural cavity, pleural effusionAbstract
The World Health Organization warns that the conditions for the spread of infectious diseases increase when the level of vaccination of the population falls. In order to prevent fatal cases, it becomes a question of timely diagnosis. The article examines issues related to medical care, diagnosis, and pharmacotherapy of exudative pleurisy. The advantages and features of ultrasound diagnostics are mentioned. The ultrasound method in the diagnosis and treatment of exudative pleurisy was studied. The effectiveness of ultrasound diagnostics in lung diseases has been proven. The optimal method of performing pleural punctures with the help of ultrasound control in exudative pleurisy has been developed. It is noted that a significant advantage of ultrasound diagnostics is the absence of X-ray exposure. It was concluded that the implementation of the program of medical guarantees in the provision of medical care to patients with exudative pleurisy will contribute to the improvement of the quality of diagnostics, the use of ultrasound methods to optimize the system of legal relations "doctor-patient-pharmacist".
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