Peculiarities of Modern Expert and Forensic Studies of "Criminal Drugs", Abuse of Which Leads to Addiction
forensic sciences, criminology, forensic pharmacy, psychoactive substances, criminal drugs, illegal trafficking, addiction, pharmaceutical and medical lawAbstract
The objective of this research was to delve into the unique aspects of the distribution and handling of psychoactive substances, often referred to as "criminal drugs," in the context of forensic and forensic pharmaceutical examinations. This study involved an in-depth analysis of the experiences of United Nations experts in relation to the rising trend of adolescent addiction, particularly focusing on the misuse of psychoactive substances that fall under various classification and legal categories, such as narcotics, psychotropics, and precursors. Special attention was given to the investigation of altered psychoactive substances that are found in combination drugs containing codeine or ephedrine. Additionally, the research examined the intricacies involved in conducting expert criminological, forensic, and pharmaceutical studies on these modified psychoactive substances that are often the subject of forensic investigations. This included exploring the methods and techniques used in these studies, the challenges faced by experts in identifying and analyzing these substances, and the implications of their findings for legal and regulatory frameworks. By understanding these peculiarities, the research aimed to contribute to more effective strategies for managing and controlling the misuse of psychoactive substances, as well as to enhance the accuracy and reliability of forensic investigations in this area. This comprehensive approach to studying psychoactive "criminal drugs" is essential for developing a deeper understanding of their impact on society and the legal system.
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