Scientific and Pedagogical Staff and Formation of Professional Competencies for Higher Education Applicants in Pharmaceutical Profile
teaching staff, scientific and pedagogical staff, competence, student of higher education, stakeholder, pharmaceutical profile, pharmacistsAbstract
The concept of professional competence stands as the paramount criterion in the education and training of future experts. It is this competence that fundamentally determines the effectiveness and success of their professional endeavors. Professional competence is not a static or simple attribute; rather, it is an integrated, multifaceted, and dynamic construct. This construct encompasses a broad spectrum of elements, including but not limited to, a deep well of knowledge, a diverse set of abilities, and a wide range of skills. However, the scope of professional competence extends beyond these technical aspects. It also includes personal capabilities, such as emotional intelligence and adaptability, as well as indicators of general culture, which reflect a person's broad educational background and understanding of the world. At the core of professional competence lies the concept of professional suitability. This term refers to a combination of various mental and psychophysiological traits that a person possesses. These traits are crucial as they underpin the individual's ability to perform their professional duties effectively. In addition to these innate qualities, professional suitability also involves communication skills and specific competencies necessary for excelling in one's professional life. A significant direction for future research is the development of a comprehensive model that outlines the process of forming and enhancing the professional competence of pharmacists. This research could provide valuable insights into how educational programs can be structured to better prepare students for their future careers. Furthermore, the role of research and teaching staff in shaping the professional competencies of higher education applicants is an area of great importance. These educators play a pivotal role in guiding and nurturing the next generation of professionals, ensuring they are well-equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to succeed in their respective fields. This comprehensive approach to understanding and developing professional competence is crucial for the advancement of various professions and the effective functioning of health care society.
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