Guided Maxillary Full-Arch Implant-Supported Rehabilitation with Immediate Loading Using All-On-6 Concept: A Case Report




dental implant, immediate loading, ALL-ON-6, surgical guide, CAD/CAM, intraoral welding


The quality of life of each person affects activities, ability to work and its harmonious development. One of the elements related to the quality of life is the level of health of the oral cavity and teeth. Periodontal diseases are among the most common non-infectious diseases. Implant-supported fixed prosthesis is the best option available to patients for the rehabilitation of edentulous jaws. Immediate loading of a fixed prosthesis significantly improves the quality of life of patients during osseointegration period of implants. The use of immediate loading of fixed prostheses has demonstrated clinical efficacy that extends to oral health-related quality of life and patient satisfaction. This article presents a clinical example of rehabilitation of the maxillary arch. The same day simultaneous guided implants placement with immediate provisional loading by a fixed screw-retained implant supported prosthesis is justified. Successful treatment outcome requires correct diagnostics and accurate treatment planning.

Author Biographies

Fedir Shchepanskyi , Lviv Medical University

PhD in Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Prosthodontics, Lviv Medical University. Ukraine

Borys Shchepanskyi, Lviv Medical University

PhD in Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Prosthodontics, Lviv Medical University, Public organization “DentOnline Study Club”, Ukraine




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How to Cite

Shchepanskyi , F., & Shchepanskyi, B. (2023). Guided Maxillary Full-Arch Implant-Supported Rehabilitation with Immediate Loading Using All-On-6 Concept: A Case Report. SSP Modern Pharmacy and Medicine, 3(4), 1–8.



Health Sciences. Medicine