Multidisciplinary Studies of the Thyroid Gland’s Synthetic Activity under Conditions of Iodine Deficiency Using Correlation Analysis
thyroid gland, follicular cells, synthetic activity of follicular cells, organic iodine, inorganic iodine, dietary iodine deficiency, Pearson correlation analysisAbstract
The article examines the results of a multidisciplinary study of the thyroid follicular cells’ synthetic activity of male albino rats using the author’s methods for determining the profiles of hormonopoietic cells’ special capacities and semi-quantitative analysis of electronograms, a package of mathematical methods using the principle of fuzzy logic, the cluster approach to grouping data, the principle of phase interval, correlation analysis using Pearson’s formula and evaluating the results according to the Chaddock scale, interpreting the obtained results from the standpoint of cytophysiology. A comparative study on the effect of low, moderate, and high doses of organic and inorganic iodine on changes in correlations between protein-synthesizing organelles of follicular cells under conditions of dietary iodine deficiency was carried out. Based on the data on the number, strength and direction of correlations, a comparative study on the effect of low, moderate, and high doses of organic and inorganic iodine on the thyroid follicular cells’ protein-synthesizing organelles under conditions of dietary iodine deficiency was carried out. The information on the peculiarities of thyroid hormonopoiesis under the action of iodine of different chemical nature was deepened and the greater activating effect of organic iodine was proved, which is of scientific interest and has practical significance for the development of personalized preventive measures for dietary iodine deficiency.
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