Multidisciplinary Study of Alcohol Abuse from the Perspective of Pharmaceutical Law and Forensic Pharmacy
pharmaceutical law, medical law, forensic pharmacy, abuse, circulation, alcoholic beverages, adulterated alcohol, criminal responsibility, alcohol addiction, pharmacotherapyAbstract
Multidisciplinary studies and WHO data show that alcohol abuse is the cause of more than 200 diseases, more than 3 million deaths every year in the world. In addition to health consequences, the harmful use of alcohol brings significant socio-economic and medico-pharmaceutical losses to individual citizens, families, and society. The picture of consumption (beer, wine, alcoholic beverages, falsified alcoholic beverages) in the countries of the world among the population aged 15 and over is summarized. Forensic pharmaceutical practice was studied. Normative measures are proposed to strengthen the criminal liability of criminals under Part 3 of Article 204 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. A review of drugs for the pharmacotherapy of alcohol addiction was conducted. A conclusion was made about the need for urgent measures to counteract the negative consequences of alcohol consumption in Ukraine. The results of the authors' multidisciplinary research emphasize the need for urgent measures to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol consumption at the level of citizens, families, and society as a whole. Measures should be aimed at reducing cases of alcohol abuse, improving the general level of population health, reducing mortality, disability, and reducing social and economic, medical and pharmaceutical losses for society. Systematic implementation of preventive programs, educational and information measures, support of national strategies for controlling alcohol consumption, ensuring the availability of medical and pharmaceutical, psychological help will contribute to a significant reduction of the problem of alcohol addiction for health and society.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Valentyn Shapovalov, Alina Osyntseva, Oleksandr Veits, Anatolii Derkach

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