Illegal Narcotics Circulation During the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic: Forensic Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Business Organization and Criminal Law as a Foundation for the Interdisciplinary Study of Smuggling
interdisciplinary study, illegal circulation, psychoactive substances, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, smuggling, coronavirus disease pandemic, forensic pharmacy, organization of pharmaceutical business, criminal law, rule-making practiceAbstract
This article is devoted to the analysis of illegal drug circulation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors discuss the relationship between forensic pharmacy, pharmaceutical business management, and criminal law as a foundation for the interdisciplinary study of drug smuggling. The article examines various aspects of drug smuggling, including the production, transportation, and sale of drugs, as well as their impact on public health during the pandemic. The author also examines the problem of the development of international criminal networks involved in drug smuggling and points to the need for cooperation between countries to combat this phenomenon. Finally, the article discusses the impact of the pandemic on the growth of illegal drug circulation and the need for additional measures to combat this problem.
The article also examines the role of the forensic pharmaceutical case in the fight against drug smuggling. The mechanisms of control over the production and supply of drugs are considered. The authors draw attention to the importance of preventing drug smuggling and provide recommendations to prevent the spread of this problem.
In general, the article provides a holistic overview of the problem of drug smuggling during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is one of the most pressing problems today. The authors show that this phenomenon is a complex problem that requires cooperation between different disciplines and international organizations. The importance of solving this problem is to protect public health and maintain law and order.
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