Intentional Homicides Committed While Under the Influence of Alcohol During the Pandemic: An Interdisciplinary Forensic and Pharmaceutical, Forensic and Medical, Forensic and Narcological, Criminalistics, And Criminal and Law Study of a Contemporary Probl
interdisciplinary study, forensic pharmacy, forensic medicine, forensic narcology, criminology, criminal law, intentional homicides committed while intoxicated, pandemic, psychoactive substances, alcoholAbstract
An interdisciplinary forensic and pharmaceutical, forensic and medical, forensic and narcological, criminological, and criminal and legal study of the modern problem of intentional murders committed by citizens under the influence of alcohol during the pandemic was conducted. The development of measures for the prevention of alcohol addiction and the effectiveness of the actions of the community, law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office, all levels of state authorities and self-government on their prevention and prevention were outlined. Forensic and pharmaceutical practice is studied, its examples were summarized by the topic of the research. The correlation between the level of unemployment and the commission of murders while intoxicated was given. Measures to combat latent crime have been studied. Criminal offenses against the life and health of a person were indicated. The latest technologies of forensic practice were outlined. Peculiarities of the investigation of crimes that constitute a great public danger (murders) have been studied. A direct causal relationship between alcohol abuse and aggressive behavior has been established. The experience of scientists, law enforcement agencies and legislators in Europe, the USA and Africa before committing murders when a citizen is intoxicated was summarized. Proposed normative initiatives to the current normative and legal acts of Ukraine.
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