Interdisciplinary Study on the Peculiarities of Preserving the Mental Health of Minors and Youth in Conditions of Martial Law




psychology, medicine, jurisprudence, psychologist, doctor, lawyer, life, mental health, citizen, minor, patient, youth, ICD-11


According to estimates by experts from the World Health Organization, approximately 10 million citizens in Ukraine may be at risk of mental disorders that are directly associated with post- and long-COVID conditions, as well as the ongoing effects of martial law. These challenges have led to significant changes in the nation’s psycho-neurological and psycho-emotional health. Under ICD-11, recognized risk factors span infections, depression, substance addictions, polydrug use, smoking, and excessive consumption of alcohol or psychoactive substances. In wartime, such mental health disorders can reduce educational attainment, limit athletic performance, and undermine work capacity and professional qualifications. Recognizing the urgent need to address these issues, an interdisciplinary study has been conducted to identify the root causes and the conditions that give rise to mental health challenges among minors and youth. Drawing on forensic medical practice, it emphasizes the necessity of protecting the psychological well-being of the younger population during martial law. In addition, the study clarifies its relevance by examining factors that adversely affect minors and youth, including the stressful impacts of ongoing conflict and restricted access to support systems. It also explores psychological support methods that are both environmentally safe and sanctioned for use in Ukraine. Findings show that when psychologists with specialized training are involved, minors’ and youth mental health is safeguarded. By using evidence-based approaches, they boost resilience and foster healthier outcomes under challenging conditions. Such efforts not only preserve individual well-being but also support the broader goal of sustaining a capable population in times of crisis.

Author Biographies

Valentyn Shapovalov, Private Scientific Institution “Scientific and Research University of Medical and Pharmaceutical Law”

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Attorney-at-law, Private Scientific Institution “Scientific and Research University of Medical and Pharmaceutical Law”, Ukraine

Halyna Zakalyk, Lviv Medical University

Senior Lecturer, Lviv Medical University, Ukraine


Olga Gubaryeva, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Shapovalov, V., Zakalyk, H., & Gubaryeva, O. (2025). Interdisciplinary Study on the Peculiarities of Preserving the Mental Health of Minors and Youth in Conditions of Martial Law. SSP Modern Law and Practice, 5(1), 1–24.