The Latest Quantum and Medical, Quantum and Pharmaceutical Technologies in Countering the Criminal and Legal, Forensic and Pharmaceutical Risks of Circulation of Falsified Drugs




quantum medicine, quantum pharmacy, microwave resonance therapy, circulation of counterfeit drugs, forensic pharmacy, pharmaceutical law, medical law


Healthcare institutions manage the distribution of essential medications within the legal framework involving doctors, patients, and pharmacists. The criminal laws of Ukraine hold individuals accountable for distributing counterfeit medicinal products. However, members of criminal organizations often evade prosecution. There is a promising future in integrating quantum medicine, including quantum physics and quantum pharmacy, into forensic pharmaceutical, forensic medical, forensic narcological, and forensic criminalistic research. This advancement could significantly enhance our ability to combat the negative consequences associated with the circulation of falsified drugs. The incorporation of quantum medical and pharmaceutical technologies is anticipated to revolutionize forensic practices. These technologies could provide new methods for detecting and preventing the distribution of counterfeit drugs, thereby protecting public health. Additionally, they may offer innovative solutions for addressing the legal and criminal implications of these activities. As quantum medicine progresses, it will likely play a crucial role in strengthening the integrity of healthcare systems and ensuring the safe distribution of medications. The potential of these technologies in forensic and pharmaceutical fields represents a significant step forward in the fight against drug falsification.

Author Biographies

Yurii Titarenko, Private Scientific Institution “Scientific and Research University of Medical and Pharmaceutical Law”

PhD in Psychology, Private Scientific Institution “Scientific and Research University of Medical and Pharmaceutical Law”, Ukraine

Valentyn Shapovalov, Private Scientific Institution “Scientific and Research University of Medical and Pharmaceutical Law”

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Private Scientific Institution “Scientific and Research University of Medical and Pharmaceutical Law”, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Titarenko, Y., & Shapovalov, V. (2024). The Latest Quantum and Medical, Quantum and Pharmaceutical Technologies in Countering the Criminal and Legal, Forensic and Pharmaceutical Risks of Circulation of Falsified Drugs. SSP Modern Law and Practice, 4(2), 1–25.