The Relevance of Acquiring of Legal Knowledge Concerning Labor Protection, Fire Safety, Sanitary and Epidemiological Regime for Health Care Professionals
labor protection, fire safety, sanitary and epidemiological regime, pharmacy, applicants of the second (master's) level of higher education, pharmacies, hospitalsAbstract
The acquisition of legal knowledge pertaining to labor protection, fire safety, and sanitary and epidemiological regime is crucial for healthcare professionals, underscoring a multifaceted relevance in their field. Primarily, such knowledge ensures the safety and well-being of both healthcare workers and patients. Understanding labor protection laws helps healthcare professionals recognize their rights and responsibilities, leading to safer work environments. This knowledge is pivotal in preventing occupational hazards, which are prevalent in healthcare settings, including exposure to infectious diseases, chemical substances, and physical strain. Furthermore, legal knowledge in these areas enhances the professional competency of healthcare workers, promoting a comprehensive approach to patient care and facility management. It empowers healthcare professionals to advocate for better working conditions and patient safety, reflecting their commitment to ethical and legal standards in healthcare. The key aspects of the work program under the normative educational component "Occupational safety and occupational safety in the industry" in the training of specialists of the second (master's) level of higher education in the specialty 226 "Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy", specialization 226.01 "Pharmacy" of the field of knowledge 22 "Health care" were analyzed I". The training of future occupational health and safety specialists is aimed at the formation of professional skills and knowledge necessary for effective work in the modern pharmaceutical environment of occupational safety and health. The study determined the priority directions of the educational process: legislative regulation in the field of labor protection, fire safety, and the sanitary-epidemiological regime in pharmacy. The relevance of acquiring legal knowledge of labor protection, fire safety, sanitary and epidemiological regime by future healthcare sector specialists were substantiated. The presented conclusions and recommendations can serve as a basis for further improvement of the educational process and training of masters who will successfully implement their knowledge in practice, ensuring a high level of safety and efficiency in the pharmaceutical industry.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Valentyn Shapovalov, Viktoriia Shapovalova, Alina Osyntseva, Valerii Shapovalov

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