Public Employment Policy in Conditions of Uncertainty and Digital Changes




public employment policy, digital competences, digitization of employment, consequences of military actions


The scientific study analyzed the state of employment of the population in Ukraine under martial law. Established that the problems of employment of the population as a result of military operations include: forced mass migration of the population, reduction of the economically active population, an increase in the level of unemployment, deterioration of working conditions, a decrease in the practical demand for highly qualified workers and a simultaneous increase in the need for low-skilled labor, etc. Substantiated that the public policy of employment in conditions of uncertainty should have an anti-crisis character and be aimed at creating an opportunity to restore the economic activity of the population in new living and working conditions. Also, attention was focused on the fact that public employment policy in conditions of uncertainty should prepare the ground for the formation of digital competencies and practices of labor market participants, in particular, highly qualified employees of the service sector, knowledge-intensive and technological business activities. Two directions of public employment policy in conditions of uncertainty are considered, namely, anti-crisis, which includes the government program of relocation of enterprises, state support to employers by providing them with preferential lending under the program "Affordable loans 5-7-9%", creation of new jobs, application targeted measures to support employment, development and implementation of programs to ensure employee mobility and retraining, etc.; and digital – the government grant program eRobota, which provides grants to Ukrainians through digital interaction tools for starting a business, developing entrepreneurship and training. Proven that in conditions of crisis and uncertainty in the economy, effective means of public employment policy are: the provision of state orders for goods and works in connection with the creation of new (temporary) jobs and organizational and resource support for entrepreneurship and self-employment of the population in rural areas. Attention was focused on the importance of forming up-to-date digital competences of employees. Proposed to create a Center for the formation of digital competences within the State Employment Service of Ukraine, to carry out work on the organization of training digital competences of persons who hold managerial positions in the private, public, and non-profit sectors of the economy, with the aim of improving their qualifications, conducting thematic trainings.

Author Biographies

Valerii Babaiev, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Associate professor of the institution of higher education, department of economic policy and management

Iryna Babaieva, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD student of the department of personnel management and entrepreneurship


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How to Cite

Babaiev, V., & Babaieva, I. (2023). Public Employment Policy in Conditions of Uncertainty and Digital Changes. SSP Modern Economics, State and Public Administration, 2(1), 1–10.